About Us

The Talatha Rural Community Water District was formed as a South Carolina Special Purpose District* in 1967 by local residents for the purpose of providing a waterworks system.  This area did not have a system at that time and efforts to get water through neighboring systems were unsuccessful.  The need for a system was great and residents organized to form the water district and build the system that now serves almost 600 homes, businesses, churches and schools.  

The Talatha Rural Community Water District is governed by a five-member Board of Commissioners nominated by members (customers) of the district at special election meetings.  Board members must be members (customers) of the district.  The term for each member is six years.  Nominated board members are processed for approval by the Boards and Commissions Department of the Office of the Governor of South Carolina.  Once approved, the board member is appointed to the board by the Governor.  Member/Customers interested in serving on the board are encouraged to contact the office for more information (803) 652-1381.

Regular monthly meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.  The meetings take place at the Talatha Rural Community Water District business office located at 4 Aspen Court, Aiken. (see map).  Members are encouraged to attend. Members will need to sign in when coming to a meeting. If you need to speak to the board with a concern, please call to schedule an appointment. You will have 15 minutes of floor time. A member can request to view minutes after signing a request form.  Written notice is sent to members for special meetings.  
Talatha Rural Community Water District serves the area from the south New Ellenton City limits on Highway 19, west on Highway 278 (Williston Road) to Town Creek.  The system is supported by three wells in the Tuscaloosa Aquifer.  There are two elevated storage tanks with a total volume of approximately 325,000 gallons.  

The distribution system is operated and maintained by licensed treatment and distribution operators.  

*The district was formed as a Special Purpose Districts in the State of South Carolina under the provisions of Act No. 1022 of the 1964 Acts and Joint Resolutions of the General Assembly for South Carolina, as amended, and Sections 59-626.1 through 59-626.10 opf the 1962 Code of Laws for the Sate of South Carolina as amended.  
Talatha Rural Community Water District Board of Commissioners

Scott Harris, Chairman
Carl Moody, Vice-Chairman
Loretta Lewis, Secretary-Treasurer
Debra Larke, Commissioner
Al Green, Commissioner

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Top Left to Right:  Carl Moody- Vice Chairman, Scott Harris- Chairman
Al Green - Commissioner
Front: Debra Larke- Commissioner and Laretta Lewis-Secretary Treasurer